I spotted an extremely unique pistol yesterday while I was buying ammo for a day at the range with my sister (video added yesterday), it was a good looking Kimber and at first glance is looked like a regular CDP. I just peered at it through the display case, admiring it's beauty but I didn't bother to have the sales man take it out of the case as I'm simply not in the market for another .45 right now. I haven't even fired my new Sig Sauer STX 1911 yet!
I went back to the gun shop today, my favorite,
Surplus Ammo and Arms to pick up a VZ24 I had put on layaway last month (photos and details coming soon on that beauty) and while I was there I decided to go ahead and have a closer look at the Kimber.
Much to my amazement, not only was it not a CDP, it wasn't even a .45. This unique Kimber was a Pro Carry II, chambered in .40 cal and bi-tone like a CDP. I had never seen this before. The price was right at $699 (used), I couldn't resist and went ahead and put 33% down and put that gorgeous piece on layaway.
I searched and searched and was not able to find a photo of a Kimber Pro Carry II in .40 that featured the color combination of the one I bought today. The photo below is of a CDP, but the Kimber from today looks identical. Can't wait to pay it off within 60 days, get it home and show off some photos for you.

If you're a long time reader of my blog (if not go back and read some of the older posts) you'll know that my very first handgun was a Smith and Wesson M&P 9mm, which I sold when times were lean (I actually sold it so that I'd have enough money to take a particular woman on a date), however I swore I'd buy another when finances allowed. I kept that promise and purchased a new one upon my return from the middle east. I had searched high and low for one of the Cabela's exclusive range carry kit in the flat dark earth and black color scheme but was unable to locate any for sale. But what I did find the other day was an equally attractive M&P in 9mm with the Nickel Boron slide! Again, I couldn't resist and put this new pistol on layaway as well!
So, now I've got two Smith and Wesson M&Ps, and that's just fine by me.
The collection grows.
Beauty ain't she?