Sunday, December 29, 2013

Here's What's Upsetting About This...

According to the news report, it took the police 74 minutes to arrive because the 911 call was classified incorrectly and that the 911 operator had trouble understanding the caller. Uh, ok sure. Regardless, this video is a clear example of the necessity of an armed citizenry. Even if the police only take five minutes to arrive, that's five minutes too late.

I once asked an anti-gun friend of mine if she would ever shoot anyone in self-defense. She said no. I asked if she would shoot someone in self-defense if they were attempting to rape her, she said no. I asked her if she would shooting someone in self-defense if they were attempting to kill her, she said no. She said that she would rather be raped and murdered than kill someone. Well, there you have it then.

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